Our mission is help leaders and teams elevate their results by keeping feet planted on the ground… with eyes to the sky… and a fire in the belly.


Are you leading from your deeply rooted values?
Are you truly present and connected to your team and colleagues?
Are you a calm and stabilizing force when the winds of change and adversity are blowing?


Are you asking yourself and your team “What’s possible”?
Are you daring to dreaming big?
Are you seeing clearly the future you want to create for yourself, your team, your organization, the world?


Are you cultivating your own passions?  That of your team?
Are you living into your biggest YES’s?
Are you hungry to grow, change, evolve, and transform in your leadership?

Meaning behind Ceiba

The tree of life is a common symbol in many cultures. The ceiba tree in particular, is the most sacred tree to ancient Maya, serving as the symbol of the universe. Its roots reach deep below the earth, nourishing and sustaining its life force. Its unique trunk is ever growing and changing. Its canopy of branches arch high in the sky, always reaching for the light of possibility. The work we do together with you is symbolized by the ceiba tree: feet on the ground, eyes to the sky, fire in the belly.

“I have always had a magical connection with trees. I climbed them, rested with them; they were a refuge as a child. For more than 10 years, I have been making an annual pilgrimage to a sun dance ceremony to connect with the ‘tree of life’. I made my first trip to the Yucatan peninsula in 2010 and saw my first ceiba tree. It was love at first sight. Seeing this tree amidst the ancient Mayan temples sparked a remembrance of my purpose that the beauty of nature – and the universe outside of us – is a mirror of the universe and the beauty inside each of us.”

